It's always seemed strange to me that people are perfectly comfortable adding expensive china, crystal, and 1,000 thread count sheets to a wedding read more...
It's always seemed strange to me that people are perfectly comfortable adding expensive china, crystal, and 1,000 thread count sheets to a wedding read more...
I am a plant person. I probably have too many in my house, so for me, the idea of a plant as a gift of love read more...
So many people seem to need a reason to do something, or a specific reason to call someone. Not me. One of the things I know read more...
One of the first things people do when thinking about helping a friend is offer to bring food. Food is wonderful because it keeps everyone nourished read more...
August 14 will forever be a special day because on that day in 2006 our dear friend Laura’s life here on earth ended. Sunflowers will read more...
As summer winds down, parents and kids alike start to feel the anxiety of getting ready to go back to school. There are school supplies to read more...
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! It's one of our favorite days of the year so find out your friend’ read more...
If you haven't already started (or finished) Queer Eye [https://twitter.com/QueerEye?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor] , this is your read more...