When a friend or loved one is in the hospital it can be hard to know what to do. As a friend you want to help, read more...
When a friend or loved one is in the hospital it can be hard to know what to do. As a friend you want to help, read more...
We want to provide resources that may be helpful in whatever stage of life you are in. We are here to support you because that' read more...
We are excited to be sharing with you an idea we have been playing around with for awhile. A themed box of goodies that you can read more...
I hate asking for help. I like to support other people, but hate that feeling of needing help from others. I take care of two kids, read more...
The days after the holidays can be the hardest for a friend going through a tough time. 12 Days of Friendship [https://blog.whatfriendsdo.com/the-12-days-of-friendship/ read more...
Plan A Caroling Party Despite the hustle and bustle of last minute preparations that are keeping you busy, how about spending a few minutes planning a read more...
An Excuse to Extend the Holidays for a Friend in Need The holidays can be rough for going through tough times. However, the time after the read more...
WhatFriendsDo was founded because a family friend, Laura, was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in her twenties. Recently, a mom of young children who had a read more...