Why are You Waiting to Ask for Help?

Our CEO, Aimee Kandrac, was hit by a car recently. Her car was not hit by another car while she was in it. SHE was literally hit by a car in a grocery store parking lot. As the founder of a company that makes it easy to help a friend in need, she found herself in an unexpected predicament. She needed help and didn't want to ask.

WhatFriendsDo is a company with the purpose of supporting others in a time of need. Aimee has given the pitch hundreds of times about how her company makes this easier to do. From experience with helping others, she knows with certainty that it's hard for people to ask for and accept help. They feel awkward asking. They feel like they're inconveniencing people. And sometimes, they even feel like they're being greedy.

This is one of the biggest challenges our company faces -- we spend our days trying to convince people that is OK to ask for help and in fact, their support system WANTS to help. And, when given the opportunity, friends and family step up to the plate without fail. When the help is accepted, a truly wonderful thing happens. The person is overwhelmed (in a good way) with the love and support and their tough times are made a little easier.

So here Aimee was, in a position to need the service of her own company, with the intimate knowledge that it works, still finding it hard to ask for help. With a broken foot and wrist, she finally relented and we set up a team for her. We scheduled meals, daily check-in times and help with making lunch for her daughter. And, as we all knew would happen, shortly after the invitation to join her WhatFriendsDo team went out, friends and family began signing up to help with her daily needs and to stay updated on her. Meals have been delivered, errands have been run, and chauffeuring has been in full force. The system works. We know this. She knows this. And yet, when faced with the need, it was still hard to ask.

The next time you find yourself in a position where you need help, ask for it and accept it. Your friends want to help. By asking for help, you are making it easier for them to help and you are ensuring that what they do is actually helpful. Swallow your pride and let others take care of the daily needs so you can focus on getting better. Afterall, it's what friends do.