Fall Smiles

Need some fun ideas to be of help and put a smile on your friend's face?  Here are some of our fall favorites, of course with 2020 and Covid-19 in mind:

Leave it to the Friends

October and November are the months the leaves turn to beautiful colors, and then fall to the ground carpeting lawns as they await clean up. If you have a friend going through a challenging time (whether it is a medical situation, grief, celebration of a new baby) a leaf raking party will be most welcomed. It's easy to do:

  • Designate a time to gather
  • Ask everyone to bring


-Leaf blowers


**Be sure to keep in mind some of the restrictions that are in place, and be conscious of whether or not you will be able to social distance enough to not need a mask. Come prepared with extra masks, just in case.

If you can, gather several friends and family members. The leaves will get cleaned up quickly and it will be a fun time for all. Best of all, your friend will feel an incredible burden lifted. If you have little ones helping, these trash bags make gathering leaves more fun, and provides decor for the season as well.  This event should be repeated sometime in November, too.

Pumpkin Parties

Families dealing with cancer treatments, recovery from an accident, adjustment to a new baby or grieving the loss of a family member might not have the energy or motivation to enjoy the pumpkin season this fall. But the children will still want to visit the pumpkin patch and carve or decorate pumpkins. A Pumpkin Party will be great fun for everyone, and help your friend's family immensely.

Because you are helping some of the most vulnerable people during this time, visiting a busy pumpkin patch may not be the most ideal situation. You could improvise and pick pumpkins ahead of time. Be sure to have enough for everyone that will be in attendance, and let them pick out their pumpkin from the ones you have provided.

You could also invite several families, not just the family with the challenge. This will make the family feel more normal, something they most certainly are eager to do. Be sure to have a large enough space that you can social distance easily and also be sure to have masks available for those times it may be difficult to do so.

Designate a particular time to carve and decorate pumpkins. Invite parents and children to participate, but be particularly attentive to helping the children whose parents are going through the rough time right now. Making this time special for their children, without singling them out will be a wonderful gift you can give to the parents. Here is an all inclusive pumpkin carving kit that you can order ahead of time.

Please keep in mind everyone has different levels of comfort at this time. Please be mindful of your friend's wishes as we want to make sure safety is at the top of your priority list for all involved.